"Lovecraft's Concept of
Blasphemy" Crypt of Cthulhu # 1 (Hallowmas 1981)
"The Statement of Lin Carter" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 2 (Yuletide 1981)
"What Was the 'Corpse-Eating Cult of
Leng'?" Crypt of Cthulhu # 2 (Yuletide 1981)
"The Borrower Beneath" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 3 (Candlemas 1982)
"Genres in the Lovecraftian Library"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 3 (Candlemas 1982)
"Gol-Goroth, a Forgotten Old One"
Crypt of Cthulhu #3 (Candlemas 1982)
"Yag-Kosha the Elephant Man" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 3 (Candlemas 1982)
"The Mischief out of Time" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 4 (Eastertide 1982)
"Seneca Lapham on Scientific Paradigm
Revolutions" Crypt of Cthulhu # 4 (Eastertide 1982)
"Yaddith and Yuggoth Revisited" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 4 (Eastertide 1982)
"Higher Criticism and the
Necronomicon" Lovecraft Studies # 6 (Spring 1982)
"Dubious Chorazin" Crypt of Cthulhu #
5 (Roodmas 1982)
"Jung and Lovecraft on Prehuman
Artifacts" Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"HPL and HPB: Lovecraft's Use of
Theosophy" Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"Monsters of Mu: the Lost Continent in the
Cthulhu Mythos" Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"The Pseudo-Intellectual in Weird
Fiction" Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"Reincarnation in Lovecraft's Fiction"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"Who Was 'Metraton'?" Crypt of Cthulhu
# 5 (Roodmas 1982)
(With Charles Garofalo) "Chariots of the
Old Ones?" Crypt of Cthulhu # 5 (Roodmas 1982)
"August Derleth - Myth-Maker" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 6 (St. John's Eve 1982)
"Hastur: Whose Side Is He On?" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 6 (St. John's Eve 1982)
"The Lovecraft-Derleth Connection"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 6 (St. John's Eve 1982)
"Legacy of the Lurker" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 6 (St. John's Eve 1982)
"The Old Ones' Promise of Eternal
Life" Nyctalops Vol. 3, # 3, whole # 17 (June 1982), pp. 4-11.
"Is Abdul Alhazred Still Alive?" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 7 (Lammas 1982)
"The Pine Barrens Horror" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 7 (Lammas 1982)
"The Attestation Formula in the
Necronomicon" Crypt of Cthulhu # 8 (Michaelmas 1982)
"Famous Last Words" Crypt of Cthulhu #
8 (Michaelmas 1982)
"Homosexual Panic in 'The Outsider'"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 8 (Michaelmas 1982)
"Cthul-Who? How Do You Pronounce
'Cthulhu'?" Crypt of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Cthulhu Elsewhere in Lovecraft" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"The Real Father Dagon" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"'Dagon' and 'The Madness from the
Sea'" Crypt of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Cthulhu and King Kong" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Derleth's Use of the Words 'Ichthyic' and
'Batrachian'" Crypt of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Apocalyptic Expectation in 'The Call of
Cthulhu'" Crypt of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Saint Toad's Hagiography" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"Sea-Monster Reports and the Johansen
Narrative" Crypt of Cthulhu # 9 (Hallowmas 1982)
"The Lovecraft-Derleth Connection"
Lovecraft Studies # 7 (Fall 1982)
"Wentworth's Debt" August Derleth
Society Newsletter Vol;. 5, # 4 1982, pp. 5-6
"The Allegory of Yig" Crypt of Cthulhu
# 11 (Candlemas 1983)
"Imprisoned with Hazel Heald" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 11 (Candlemas 1983)
"The Revision Mythos" Crypt of Cthulhu
# 11 (Candlemas 1983)
"Who Were the 'Boupa Priests'?" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 11 (Candlemas 1983)
"A Lovecraft Taxonomy" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 12 (Eastertide 1983)
"Famous Last Words", Twilight Zone
(July/August) 1983, p. 21
"'The Other Gods' and The Four Who Entered
Paradise" Crypt of Cthulhu # 15 (Lammas 1983)
"Lost Revisions?" Crypt of Cthulhu #
17 (Hallowmas 1983)
""New Clues to Lovecraft's Role in
'Out of the Eons' and 'The Crawling Chaos'" Crypt of Cthulhu # 17 (Hallowmas 1983)
"A 'New' Lovecraft Tale" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 17 (Hallowmas 1983)
"'Lovecraftianity' and the Pagan
Revival" Crypt of Cthulhu # 18 (Yuletide 1983)
(With Tani Jantsang) "Obed and Obadiah
Marsh" Crypt of Cthulhu # 18 (Yuletide, 1983)
"Brian Lumley - Reanimator" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 19 (Candlemas 1984)
"Demythologizing Cthulhu" Lovecraft
Studies # 8 (Spring 1984)
"St. Toad's Revisited" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 20 (Eastertide 1984)
"Lovecraft's Necronomicon: An
Introduction" Crypt of Cthulhu # 23 (St. John's Eve 1984)
"The Pnakotic Manuscripts: A Study"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 23 (St. John's Eve 1984)
"Reconstructing De Vermis Mysteriis"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 23 (St. John's Eve 1984)
"Some Notes on the Eltdown Shards"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 23 (St. John's Eve 1984)
"Hexes and Hoaxes: The Curious Career of
Lovecraft's Necronomicon" Twilight Zone November/December 1984.
"The Humor at Red Hook" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 28 (Yuletide 1984)
"Christ and Conan: Howard's View of
Christianity" Cromlech Vol. 1, # 1 (Spring 1985), pp. 14-23
"H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu
Mythos" Crypt of Cthulhu # 35 (Hallowmas 1985)
"The Revision Mythos" Lovecraft
Studies # 11 (Fall 1985)
"T.E.D. Klein" in Darrell Schweitzer
(ed.) Discovering Modern Horror Fiction I (Mercer Island: Starmont House) 1985, pp. 68-85.
"Stephen King and the Lovecraft
Mythos" Darrell Schweitzer (ed.) Discovering Stephen King (Mercer Island: Starmont
House) 1985, pp. 109-122.
"Lovecraft's Cosmic History" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 37 (Candlemas 1986)
"More Mythos in Bloch" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 40 (St. John's Eve 1986)
"What Is the Cthulhu Mythos?" Dagon #
14 (September-October 1986), pp. 3-5.
"Lessons from Lovecraft for Writers"
Dagon # 14 (September-October 1986), pp. 23-24.
"Mythos Names and How to Say Them"
Dagon # 15 (November-December 1986), pp. 3-7.
"Lovecraft's Use of Theosophy" Dagon #
17 (April-May, 1987), pp. 27-32.
"What Is the Cthulhu Mythos?"
(symposium) Lovecraft Studies # 14 (Spring 1987)
"Lovecraft's Influence on T.E.D.
Klein" Dagon # 18/19 (July-October 1987), pp. 13-14.
"Mythos Names and How to Say Them"
Lovecraft Studies #15 (Fall 1987)
"Lovecraft as a Character in Lovecraftian
Fiction" Crypt of Cthulhu # 52 (Yuletide 1987)
"Demythologizing Cthulhu" in Dennis
Poupard (ed.), Twentieth Century Literary Criticism Vol. 22 (Detroit: Gale Research
Company, 1987), pp. 236-239.
"Did Lovecraft Have Syphilis?" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 53 (Candlemas 1988)
"Faulty Memories and 'Evill
Sorceries'" Crypt of Cthulhu # 53 (Candlemas 1988)
"Two Biblical Curiosities in
Lovecraft" Lovecraft Studies # 16 (Spring 1988)
"A Critical Commentary upon the
Necronomicon" Crypt of Cthulhu # 58 (Lammas 1988)
"The Mystagogue, the Gnostic Quest, the
Secret Book" Dagon # 22/23 (September-December, 1988), pp. 13-16.
"Robert E. Howard and the Cthulhu
Mythos" Lovecraft Studies #18 (Spring 1989)
"Fundamentalists in the Fiction of Stephen
King" The Olive Branch, VOl. 3, Spring 1989, pp. 34-39.
"Fundamentalists in the Fiction of Stephen
King" Studies in Weird Fiction # 5 (Spring 1989), pp. 12-14
"Lovecraft's Horror: Supernatural or
Science Fiction?" Vollmond # 2 (July/August, 1989), pp. 11-12
"Two Twentieth Century Traditions-Spicy and
Weird Menace Horror Fiction" in Marc A. Cerasini (ed.),
How to Write Horror and Get it Published: Advice
from Top Horror Experts (Brooklyn Heights: Romantic Times, Inc., 1989), pp. 64-67.
"Religious Horror Fiction" in Marc A.
Cerasini (ed.), How to Write Horror and Get it Published: Advice from Top Horror Experts
(Brooklyn Heights: Romantic Times, Inc., 1989), pp. 52-54.
"Christians and Horror Fiction"
Churchyard # 1 (April, 1990), pp. 4-10
"On 'The Rats in the Walls'" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 72 (Roodmas 1990)
"Magna Mater: The Religion of Atys and
Cybele" Crypt of Cthulhu # 72 (Roodmas 1990)
"Wentworth's Debt" Crypt of Cthulhu #
74 (Lammas 1990)
"The Last Vestige of the Derleth
Mythos" The Lovecrafter--100th Anniversary Issue (August, 1999), pp. 21-24.
"Erich Zann and the Rue d'Ausil"
Lovecraft Studies # 22 (Fall 1990)
"Dunsanian Influence on Lovecraft Outside
his 'Dunsanian' Tales" Crypt of Cthulhu # 76 (Hallowmas 1990)
"The Lovecraft Mythos and Monsters: An
Examination of Cthulhu Mythology" in Jon B. Cooke (ed.), H.P. Lovecraft Centennial Guidebook
(Montilla Publications, 1990), pp. 29-32.
"Robert E. Howard and Other Weird Tales
Writers" in S.T. Joshi (ed.), The H.P. Lovecraft Centennial Conference Proceedings (West Warwick:
Necronomicon Press, March 1991, pp. 47-49.
"The Mythology of the Old Ones" in
S.T. Joshi (ed.), The H.P. Lovecraft Centennial Conference Proceedings (West Warwick:
Necronomicon Press, March 1991), pp. 72-73.
"The Shadow over Dunwich" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 77 (Eastertide 1991)
"The Last Vestige of the Derleth
Mythos" Lovecraft Studies # 24 (Spring 1991)
"Thomas Ligotti's Gnostic Quest"
Studies in Weird Fiction # 9 (Spring 1991), pp. 27-31
"Second Thoughts on the Fungi from
Yuggoth" Crypt of Cthulhu # 78 (St. John's Eve 1991)
"Strange Cylinders" Crypt of Cthulhu #
78 (St. John's Eve 1991)
"The Unspeakable Spawning of the
Proto-Shoggoths" Crypt of Cthulhu # 78 (St. John's Eve 1991)
"Cosmic Fear and the Fear of the Lord:
Lovecraft's Religious Vision" in Tekeli-li! Journal of Terror, # 2 (Summer 1991), pp.
19-21, 72-73.
"A Biblical Antecedent for 'The Colour out
of Space'" Lovecraft Studies # 25 (Fall 1991)
"Lovecraft's 'Artificial Mythology'"
An Epicure in the Terrible: A Centennial Anthology of Essays (Rutherford: Fairleigh
Dickinson University Press, 1991), pp. 247-256.
"Lovecraft's Mythology of the Old
Ones" Books at Brown. Vols. XXXVIII -XXXIX, 1991-1992, pp. 31-42
"The Works of Robert Blake" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 80 (Eastertide 1992)
"The Criticism of Azathoth" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 80 (Eastertide 1992)
"His Own Most Fastidious Critic"
Tekeli-li! Journal of Terror # 4 (Winter/Spring 1992), pp. 46-51.
"Patterns in the Snow: A New Reading of At
theMountain of Madness" Crypt of Cthulhu # 81 (St. John's Eve 1992)
"Correlated Contents" Crypt of Cthulhu
# 82 (Hallowmas 1992)
"The Worst of the Cthulhu Mythos" The
Scream Factory # 10, Autumn 1992, pp. 97-100.
"Lucian's True Story and Lovecraft's
Dream-Quest" Crypt of Cthulhu # 83 (Eastertide 1993)
"'Not in the Spaces We Know but Between
Them': 'The Dunwich Horror' as an Allegory of Reading" Crypt of Cthulhu # 83
(Eastertide 1993)
"A Mythos Theogony" The Scream Factory
# 11, Spring 1993, pp. 122-123
"What Exactly Is the Cthulhu Mythos?"
NecronomiCon official program book, August 20-22, 1993, pp. 17, 19.
"A Mythos Theogony" Crypt of Cthulhu #
85 (Hallowmas 1993)
"Lovecraft and 'Ligeia'" Lovecraft
Studies # 31 (Fall 1994)
"Off Their Rocker: The Many Faces of
Psycho's Mrs. Bates" Scarlet Street # 14 (Spring 1994), pp. 26-31
"Lovecraft on Screen" Scarlet Street #
13 (Winter 1994), pp. 68-79
"Lovecraft on Screen" Crypt of Cthulhu
# 93 (Lammas 1996)
"'I'll Get You for This, Mother!' The Many
Faces of Norma Bates" Crypt of Cthulhu # 93 (Lammas 1996)
"The Last Temptation of Conan" Crypt
of Cthulhu # 93 (Lammas 1996)
"Who Was the Avatar of Darkness?"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 96 (Lammas 1997)
"Latter-Day Lovecraftian's Library"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 96 (Lammas 1997)
"Brian Lumley: An Appreciation"
NecronomiCon, 3rd Edition official program book, August 15-17, 1997, p. 3
"The Pseudo-Akeley" Crypt of Cthulhu #
97 (Hallowmas 1997)
"Cormanghast: The Poe Films of Roger
Corman" Parts # 14 (November 1997)
"The Dream Quest of Brian Lumley"
Crypt of Cthulhu # 98 (Eastertide 1998)
"You Fool! Loveman Is Dead!" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 98 (Eastertide 1998)
"Ghost Writer" Family Matters Intro/
CD liner notes, The Challenge from Beyond (Dion Fortune, 2000)
"Lumley as Lovecraft" Brian Lumley and
Stanley Wiater (eds.), The Brian Lumley Companion (NY: Tom Doherty Associates, 2002)
"The Transition of Brian Lumley" Ibid.
"Demogorgon and Khai of Ancient Khem"
"Higher Criticism and the
Necronomicon" Scott Connors (ed.) A Century Less a Dream: Selected Criticism on H.P.
Lovecraft (Holicong: Wildside Press), 2002
"The Mystagogue, the Gnostic Quest, the
Secret Book" Darrell Schweitzer (ed.), The Thomas Ligotti Reader: Essays and
Explorations (Holicong: Wildside), 2003
"Wizard Whateley's Design" Crypt of
Cthulhu # 108 (forthcoming)
"H.P. Lovecraft--Reanimated: Herbert West
from Page to Screen" Crypt of Cthulhu (forthcoming)