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“Stop Looking at Me!"



Psalm 139

Readings: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Questions of King Melinda, Simile of the Chariot


1. Hume said we cannot prove we have a perceiving self, if proof is by empirical induction, since even if we have a self we cannot observe it in the nature of the case.


2. The Buddha taught that the changing ego is not a self, but he may have meant simply that the ego is not the eternal Self, the Atman. Later Buddhists did speak of a karmic substratum, the pugdala. And Mahayana became nondualist: anatta = advaita.


3. The paranoid senses somebody watching him at all times, inescapably. Religious believers, as far as I can see, cultivate this presence and call it God. It is the Imaginary Playmate.


But is it possible that our own awareness of ourselves, the mentally talking to ourselves, objectifying ourselves, is equally paranoid? Is that presence, the self-conscious Self equally a paranoid delusion?


4. The Anti-Oedipus (DeLeuze & Guattari) vs. Lacan's "Law of the Father."

According to this classic of Post-Modernism, the individual self or “subject” is the product of the subjugation stamped upon the child by the society. “Filling me up with your rules.” Their antidote? The Schizoid Man! “We don’t need no education!” The ensuing risk of the loss of the familiar self is the key to freedom, admittedly a frightening prospect.


Julian Jaynes: I think that self-awareness is one half of the brain monitoring the other, and that half monitoring the monitoring! This arcing creates the experience/illusion? of self-awareness.





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